Read the latest news and stories from CBM Australia’s work helping people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest places. 

Inclusive schools teach Australian High Commissioner vital lesson  

The most empowering change is led by local communities.

A community hospital preventing blindness in eastern Nepal 

Every Miracles Day, CBM supporters open their hearts to give the Miracle of sight-saving...

CEO Jane Edge reflects on Miracles Day journey

As someone who believes passionately that all people are created equal, it was a personally challenging epiphany joining CBM...

Five years on: Joanna’s Miracle story by her mother, Frenil

Joanna has now graduated from high school and is...

Matthew is praying for a Miracle

Matthew's future could go one of two ways. Treatable conditions like cataracts are cruelly robbing children and adults of their sight daily. And it’s the...

A tiny hospital in the Philippines is helping people see again

On my first overseas project visit with CBM, I wept.

Dr Danny Haddad’s Miracle memory

Witnessing his first sight-saving Miracle cataract surgery will forever remain with Dr Danny Haddad.

My Miracle Memory: Mariska Meldrum, Campaign Manager

We couldn’t help cheering when Dr Rabino held up his fingers, and the man...

10 years of making Miracles

Sabina's mum would see blind children sitting on the street begging, and prayed that Sabina would get her vision back and be able to...

CEO Jane Edge marks 10-year celebration of Miracles Day

Once a year, every year, for the last decade, amazing people like you have...

Embedding disability inclusion in Cameroon councils  

To address the challenges people with disabilities face, CBM Australia is working with partners...

What is a cataract?

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness, responsible for just over half [51%] the cases of blindness around the world.

Nurzamzam goes from cataract patient to eye health advocate  

Nurzamzam now uses his influence to promote good eye health.

Working Together: Claudia and Naomi

Each month, CBM Australia takes a look behind the scenes at our employees and partners who are devoted to improving the lives of people...

CBM welcomes Australia’s inclusive support of Pacific neighbours

CBM Australia and our supporters welcome the comments of...

World Refugee Day 2022 Statement by CEO Jane Edge

This year, World Refugee Day focuses on the right to seek safety. At CBM, we are acutely aware that...

World Desertification Day: Rising up from drought together in Kenya   

The theme of this year’s World Day to Combat...

A nurse in Kenya: CBM Supporter Helen Brown’s story

Losing a child and surviving a charging elephant attack in Kenya never derailed CBM...

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime: Ripon’s story

The Self-Help Group allowed Ripon to access a $650...

Working Together: Laura and Roshana – CBM Nepal

Each month, CBM Australia looks behind the scenes at our employees, who are devoted to improving the lives of...