Advocacy is central to our mission

People with disabilities in developing countries are among the poorest and most marginalised people in the world. Too often, they are locked out and left behind in societies, economies and development efforts.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

At CBM Australia, we work with the disability movement, allies and supporters like you to call on decision makers to act on the policies and approaches that are leaving people with disabilities behind and blocking them from equal participation in society.


Add your voice to the calls for an equal world for all and be part of the growing chorus of allies committed to fighting for equity for the most marginalised.

Evidence-based advocacy to achieve systemic change

At CBM Australia, we believe firmly that it is society – not disability – that disables people. Many of the barriers faced by people with disabilities can be overcome through national and local governments ensuring the foundations for inclusion are in place, including disability-inclusive approaches to services. Even where policies on disability inclusion exist, often, funding isn’t available for implementation.

Our advocacy is grounded in the priorities of the disability movement; it draws on evidence from our field programs, and insights from our Inclusion Advisory Group, who work in partnership with the disability movement.

But we can’t do it alone.

The substantive, systemic changes that the disability movement is calling for require voices like yours to amplify and advocate to decision makers, so we can realise a tangible difference in the lives of people with disabilities. Together, we can change the world for the better.