Read the latest news and stories from CBM Australia’s work helping people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest places. 

A Tested Approach: Community Based Inclusive Development in Indonesia

One of the real game changers for rural people...

A Story of Hope and Survival for this Father’s Day

For most people across the globe, the past year and a half has been...

Compelled to Make a Difference

Before I started work with CBM Australia I didn’t realise that there was another level of poverty, which is people with disabilities living in...

Ensuring that humanitarian responses are inclusive

Indonesia has its fair share of natural hazards, and often it’s people with disabilities...

World Humanitarian Day: Thursday 19th August 2021

Can you imagine being caught in a cyclone or flash flood without the ability to run to safety or...

Unequal Pandemic: Intensifying Violence, Abuse and Discrimination

People with disabilities are more likely to experience violence,...

Unequal Pandemic: Deepening Learning Gaps in Education

The sudden and drastic pivot to remote learning as a result of school closures...

Unequal pandemic: worsening precarious economic situations

Eighteen months into the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, work practices, businesses and livelihoods are still...

Unequal pandemic: embedding unequal access to health services

In times of disaster events and crises, people with disabilities are often the hardest...

Unequal Pandemic: Driving Food Insecurity

People who are already on the margins of society in many ways, including people with disabilities, have been further...

CBM Australia Joins Historic Disaster Relief Alliance

CBM, Australia’s leading disability inclusive development organisation, joined 16 Australian charities to launch the...

Help, When it Seems There is No Hope From Anywhere

Life was already tough for Sher (pictured) before COVID-19 took away his ability to...

CBM supports Dala and other at-risk people in Nepal during Covid-19

Covid-19 has had a terrible impact on people living...

Covid-19 response: CBM provides essential food in Nepal

It was a cold morning, the first chill of winter making itself known by...

Hunger is gripping madagascar

Like many countries around the world, the island of Madagascar off the coast of East Africa has been hit hard by COVID-19. Tragically, the...

Heart to help: CBM Supporter Ant Van Hewsden’s Miracle story

Despite a difficult start in life, and issues with...

CBM in Nepal: Covid-19 hits hard

Although Covid-19 infection rates in Nepal are on the decline after an all-time high in May, the negative impact on people’s mental health and...

Salman’s Miracle

This Miracles Day, August 19, can you give the Miracle of sight to change the life of a child like Salman? Just $33 will provide sight-saving surgery

Improved disability inclusion in South Sudan

Decades of conflict in South Sudan, poverty and poor access to essential services have increased the rate of disability,...

“A little warrior who never gave up” – Lino walks again

Having access to proper medical care has prevented permanent...