Read the latest news and stories from CBM Australia’s work helping people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest places. 

New surveys in Ethiopia show our impact

For many years, CBM worked to change the lives of people with disabilities in Ethiopia. We conducted surveys in...

Khaleda: defying expectations in Bangladesh

Khaleda is a strong and powerful advocate who has overcome many barriers in her life. One of the biggest...

Shirley: facing everyday underestimation in Vanuatu

People with disabilities often experience negative attitudes and beliefs around their skills and capabilities...

How people with disabilities can work in a challenging environment

Sabene Gomes, a CBM Program Coordinator, invites her readers...

Partnering with Disabled People’s Organisations to achieve an inclusive world

 Kathryn James, Disability Inclusion Technical Advisor, discussed CBM’s partnerships...

Working in partnership for a disability inclusive world: introducing CBM’s advisory work

Gemma Muir, Advocacy and Communications Officer for Inclusive Development...

Empowering people with disabilities to access their human rights

Isabella Rigg, Program Officer at CBM Australia wrote about a CBM partner organisation in...

Practicing what I teach – Aminur’s commitment to inclusive education

Janette Taga-An, Program Officer at CBM Australia, writes about...

Dreaming of an accessible world – Jen Blyth

Jen Blyth, Disability-Inclusion Advisor at CBM Australia guides her readers into a descriptive imagining of what an accessible world...

Poverty and Disability: The Double Effect – Corey Sutton

Corey Sutton, Producer at 98five Sonshine FM, unpacks much more than his suitcase after...

How to make a radio host speechless – Lucy Holmes

Lucy Holmes, Light FM Radio Host, invites readers into her emotional and raw account...

An Eye-Opening Experience – Scott Curtis

Scott Curtis from 1079 Life radio station Adelaide shares about travelling to the Philippines for the first time for...

Meet the Beautiful Faces that Changed My Heart Forever – Lucy Holmes

Lucy Holmes, Light FM Radio Host, puts faces to...

Behind the scenes of Miracles Day

Liana Pantalone, CBM Communications Officer, shares what happens behind the scenes on Miracles Day both in the field and the CBM Offices. It’s true… Miracles...

CBM Australia responds to commitments from Global Disability Summit

CBM Australia welcomes the commitments made by the Australian...

Discover Sweet Honey’s story, which is just as sweet as her name

A CBM Australia Program Officer, recently travelled to the...

JULY UPDATE: The Rohingya Crisis

The Inter Sector Coordination Group recently released an emergency preparedness and response report. For those who have followed the updates or perhaps even given...

True sight

Stevie Wills, CBM Australia’s Community Education Officer shares what it feels like to be seen. Using personal experience, she teaches us where to look if we too would like...

Timorese doctors leading the way

Jillian Ferguson, Disability Inclusion Advisor at CBM, reports back on the positive outcome of her trip to Timor where disability inclusive training has been...

CBM Australia calls to leave no woman behind

In its Leave No One Behind: Gender equality, disability inclusion, and leadership for sustainable development report, CBM Australia calls...