Read the latest news and stories from CBM Australia’s work helping people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest places. 

Madagascar crisis: this is Haova’s story

The island country of Madagascar off the coast of East Africa is in the grips of a double headed...

Madagascar crisis: this is Liasoa’s story

When Liasoa was a baby, she was abandoned by her parents. Now nine years old, the little girl is...

Madagascar crisis: this is Tsihala’s story

Even before Madagascar became gripped by a worsening humanitarian crisis, things were already challenging for Tsihala and her family. The...

Madagascar crisis: this is Maharavo’s story

In times of crisis, people with disabilities are often more deeply impacted and less likely to receive help than...

Leave No One Behind: ensuring people with disabilities are included in Covid-19 responses

“The COVID-19 pandemic has brought home and highlighted the...

Strengthening OPDs in Ethiopia increases impact and value for money

Across Ethiopia, around 7.8 million people live with some...

Delivering essential food items to people with disabilities in Nepal

Following a recent surge in positive Covid-19 case numbers,...

Human Rights Day: CBM promotes the rights of people with disabilities

Over 70 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly...

Working with CBM: what is the value to people with disabilities?

CBM Australia sees the value of working with Organisations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs),...

Stevie reflects on Covid-19 vaccine and how it is not accessible for all

Sadness weighed in my chest as I waited at...

Covid-19 impacts people with disabilities the most in the Pacific and Timor-Leste

Recent months have seen unprecedented surges of COVID-19 in...

Covid-19 pushed 80 million people into extreme poverty

Almost two years into the Covid-19 pandemic, some of the social and economic impacts...

DFAT disability inclusion technical partnership

CBM Global's Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) and the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) have a...

A better future for all children, including those with disabilities

For many of us, global events over past two...

Satyavathi receives the gift of sight

For those unable to access or afford surgical interventions, the loss of vision has the potential to significantly impact...

CBM Australia approves new one-year project with NCDW in Bangladesh

CBM Australia have been working in Bangladesh to improve...

Reducing blinding Trachoma in Ethiopia

Trachoma is an eye disease caused by bacterial infection. It is transmitted through personal contact (hands, clothes, or bedding)...

World Food Programme’s disability-inclusive path to zero hunger

New partnership with CBM Global Disability Inclusion enables World...

Poverty reduction in India 

In 2020, global extreme poverty increased for this first time in 20 years. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on progress made...

Working together to move out of poverty

Shaboodin lives in Surajpur district, Chhattisgarh - the target area of a CBM supported project with partner Margadarshak Seva...