Read the latest news and stories from CBM Australia’s work helping people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest places. 

Advent Week 2 – Edwina Faithful Farmer – Luke 3:10-14

“What should we do then?” the crowd asked. John answered, “Anyone who has two...

Now I Am Safer: Disability Inclusion in Disasters

Disasters impact millions of people around the world, with natural hazards alone affecting on average 198.8 million people each...

Intersecting factors that impact on people with disabilities during disasters

Everyone deserves to be safe in disasters but people...

Shilpy – Advocating for a disability inclusive approach to disasters

Shilpy is a 32 year old woman from Bangladesh....

CBM Australia is heading to Voices for Justice 2019

CBM Australia is a proud member of Micah Australia, a movement of Australian Christians...

Shahadat: keeping my community safe in disasters

In the Patauakhali district, one of the most disaster-prone regions in Bangladesh, you will find Shahadat. He is a...

April is joining us at Voices for Justice 2019

April is joining CBM Australia at Voices for Justice this year from the Cook Islands. April is passionate about standing...

Advent Week 1 – Stevie Wills – Isaiah 9:2

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness...

Tusiga is joining us at Voices for Justice 2019

Tusiga is passionate about removing barriers for people with disabilities and ensuring equal opportunities. He will be joining us...

Georges is joining us at Voice for Justice 2019

Georges Melep from Vanuatu is joining CBM Australia at Voices for Justice this year. Georges is passionate about community work...

Ruci is joining us at Voices for Justice 2019

Ruci Senikula from Fiji is joining CBM Australia at Voices for Justice this year. Ruci is passionate about the issues...

Now I Am Safer Campaign Video Media Alternative Transcript

DESCRIPTION: A younger man with a short bushy beard on his chin, wearing a long...

Creating a better world for our children – World Children’s Day 2019

World Children’s Day is celebrated annually across the globe...

United Nations launches the Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action

On 12 November 2019 the United Nations launched the...

What does climate change have to do with poverty and disability?

CBM has consulted on environmental issues with self-help groups of people with disabilities and...

School students tackle mental health

As part of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health project, CBM partners have been working with secondary schools to raise awareness on mental health within...

Workshop: the importance of eye-health inclusion and equity

In the lead up to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB)...

Catalysing change from the ground up: the HOW matters

At the Australian Council For International Development (ACFID) National Conference in 2019, CBM brought...

Lucy shines the light on our work in Nepal

Lucy Holmes, Christian radio host for Light FM, is shining the light on the Miracle of sight-saving surgery through...

Gershon promotes disability inclusive disaster risk reduction in his village

Gershon is a 40-year-old farmer who has always worked...