Nahel is going blind. He’s just three years old and has been diagnosed with bilateral cataracts.

Stories | January 23, 2020

Nahel is three years old and lives with his family in Cameroon. He’s struggled with his vision since he was a baby, squinting and holding objects very close to his face in order to see them.

When Nahel’s aunt took him to the hospital earlier this year, he was diagnosed with cataracts and surgery was recommended.

If Nahel’s cataracts remain untreated, he faces a lifetime of blindness. Comfort, a local ophthalmic nurse, told Nahel’s mum and dad that if Nahel has the surgery now, “he will not have to miss out school. He will see and be able to go to school, play with his friends and be more independent.” If he doesn’t receive the surgery “his eye will become lazy and vision may not be good even if he is operated much later”.

Nahel’s mother, father and older brother also have vision impairments and Nahel has bilateral cataracts. Soon, Nahel won’t be able to see his family, and he won’t be able to go to school.

His parents have struggled to find work and provide for their children.

His mother, Kaintouna, says, “On average we eat once a day and when we have more we can eat twice. There are days when all we have is water to drink.”

Nahel’s parents have been calling other relatives to help raise money for Nahel’s surgery but have found the money difficult to raise.

But the truth is, Nahel and many other children like him don’t have to go blind. With your help they can get the treatments and surgery they desperately need. A simple operation, to restore their sight before it’s too late. For just $10 a month you can help change the life of a child like Nahel, restoring his sight before it’s too late.


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