Give52 Initiative : Donation to 52 different charities over 52 weeks

Stories | December 27, 2019


Australia is a generous country when it comes to supporting causes and charities, but many people are shy or uncomfortable about encouraging others to give.

That’s the view of Anton Gaudry – and if anyone is qualified to speak about the importance of giving, it is him.

In 2020, Anton and wife Jenny will donate $10,000 to 52 different charities over 52 weeks as part of their recently launched Give52 initiative. Give52 will donate more than half a million dollars to worthy organisations including CBM.

“The idea for Give52 evolved after we sold our business. We worked in the salary packaging industry so all of our clients were charities and we ended up with more than 400 clients doing important and valuable work,” says Anton.

Anton and Jenny established their own family foundation, the Gaudry Foundation, and he reconnected with some former clients.

“Giving is great – we knew that – but I hadn’t anticipated meeting so many good people from CEOs and Board members down. We really enjoyed all parts of the giving experience.”

Anton and Jenny started regularly attending fundraising events where they noticed a clear pattern.

“These events and charities attract an older generation. We thought that younger generations should be giving too, but perhaps they don’t know how to. We want to start a conversation about the importance of philanthropy across all generations.”

Give52 will support a range of charities spanning health, community services and mental health among others. Anton’s hope is that by allowing people to follow their giving journey though the Give52 website and social media channels, others will be inspired to commit to their own giving plans.

“A lot of charities hold great fundraising events, fun runs and golf days but they don’t necessarily have the regular $30 a month donations from mums and dads. Our main message is that regular giving allows people to support causes and charities they’re passionate about.

“Whether you start at $1 a week or something more, it’s fantastic. Give52 is not about matching what we do, it’s about people giving what they’re able to and comfortable to and making a difference.”

Anton is enthusiastic about showcasing his long relationship with CBM through Give52.

“CBM does some excellent work improving the lives of people in some of the most disadvantaged parts of the world. I have always been impressed by the reach of CBM’s activities and hope Give52 inspires others to support the work.”

Visit to follow Anton and Jenny’s journey

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