Read the latest news and stories from CBM Australia’s work helping people with disabilities living in the world’s poorest places. 

Chief Harun – a father who moves from shame to mental health advocate

How CBM's Comprehensive Community Mental Health Program helped a...

Demesugh challenges the stigma around mental health

Nigerian man overcomes a psychosocial disability to become a local Self-Help Group secretary and...

Big changes in attitudes and approaches: mental health in Nigeria

200 million people living in Nigeria. Only 250 are...

A new life for two families in Nepal

People with disabilities and their families living in poverty face many challenges just to survive. From finding the right health care to paying for...

A new life for two families in Nepal – the Majhi family

People with disabilities and their families living in poverty face many challenges just to...

CBM partners with women leaders to create movement of change for disability

If you’ve got evidence, it is the springboard for...

Funding cuts for people with disabilities sustained for third year in a row

The Federal Government has dealt another cruel blow to...

CBM calls for a permanent increase in global disability-inclusive development funding

CBM Australia is calling on the Australian Government to...

Australian leadership in disability inclusion at the 2022 Pacific Satellite Summit

New investment announced and a regional partnership scoping study...

International Women’s Day 2022: #BreakTheBias against disability

Over the past decade, much of the world moved...

Salma: a story of hope and transformation

It’s that time of the year again when we get to share stories of remarkable women as part of...

Khaleda fights for greater disability inclusion in Bangladesh

Women and girls with disabilities are among the most marginalised in the world. Women and...

Working together: Kirsten and Adrian

Each month, CBM Australia takes a look behind the scenes at our employees who are devoted to improving the lives of people with disabilities...

Humaira leads the way for people with disabilities in her community

CBM has a long history of supporting projects that...

Update on Super Typhoon Odette in the Philippines

In mid-December 2021, Super Typhoon Odette (known outside the Philippines as Typhoon Rai) hit the Philippines, ripping through townships,...

COVID-19 has catastrophic effect on people with disabilities

COVID-19 continues to rage throughout Asia and the Pacific, disproportionately impacting people with disabilities. About...

ACFID video interview with Edwina Faithfull-Farmer

Edwina Faithfull-Farmer is the International Programs Director at CBM. Edwina was invited by the...

Crisis in Madagascar worsens following massive storms

Over two weeks, the island nation of Madagascar was hit by two major storms....

Disability inclusion: it’s not about charity, it’s about good business

World Day of Social Justice, 20th of February Australia has...

CBM changed the life of people with disabilities in Dien Bien

Disability inclusion is at the heart of CBM Australia’s work; Thuong reflects on his...