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Include Us advocacy project in Nepal

Learn how the Include Us advocacy project in Nepal, led by NFDN, has contributed to improved disability inclusion, from policy development to better access to services.

Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Call to Action: We are the experts in our own lives

This Call to Action centres the voices and priorities of people with lived experience of disability, based on their experiences working in disaster risk reduction (DRR) across the Asia and Pacific regions.

Missing voices: Inclusion of women with disabilities in gender programming and women’s movements

This paper identifies good practice in the involvement of women with disabilities in mainstream gender programming, as well as women’s movements, within the Indo-Pacific region.

2023: A critical year for Australian leadership on disability inclusive development

As extreme poverty grows for the first time in decades, fuelled by both the worsening climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic...

Community Mental Health Good Practice Guides

Practical examples of how CBM is working with partners to mainstream mental health in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) programs, to reduce stigma improve mental wellbeing.

Pacific Disaster Ready: Disability inclusion tip sheets

The Pacific Disaster Ready Tip Sheets are a suite of documents and includes key messages and talking points for different sectoral and thematic issues drawing on the learnings from the past four and a half years of the Pacific Disaster Ready project.

Value for Money Assessment of Disability Inclusion

IAG worked with World Vision in Sri Lanka, and their research shows the value of investing in disability inclusion.

Lessons learned from partnerships with organisations of people with disabilities: CBM report

What do Organisations of People with Disability value about working with CBM? And where could we do better? How we are responding to work more equitably with the disability movement.

Poverty Reduction and Disability Inclusion in Eastern India 2016-21

Over the past five years, CBM Australia have been supporting partners in Eastern India to implement the Poverty Reduction and Community Based Inclusive Development project.

Gender barriers: what stops women or men participating

These two cartoon posters outline some of the barriers that might stop women or men getting involved in development projects. For development practitioners.

Accessible meetings and events: a toolkit

Guidance on organising accessible and inclusive events and meetings in planning, delivery and follow-up stages.

Tip Sheets for considering gender issues in International Programs

CBM-Australia has launched a series of tip sheets aimed at our field partners and other development practitioners that prompt consideration of issues related to gender in our work. Take a look at our first two in an ongoing series of tip sheets: on gender and eye health, and gender on mental health, released in 2021.

Experiences of people with disabilities during COVID-19

This overview was developed by CBM's Inclusion Advisory Group to guide the Australian Government and other aid donors on disability issues, as they responded to COVID-19 through aid programming.

Organisational Engagement on Disability Inclusion tool

Is your NGO disability inclusive? A toolkit to help your organisation assess aspects of disability inclusion, and guidance on action planning.

CBM’s approach to disability inclusive disaster risk reduction

Full report, summaries and infographics on the Gaibandha Model for disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction.