Som is using her voice to create change in her community

Stories | September 5, 2017

“Before I had no money in my pocket, now I can do anything and go anywhere,” smiles Som proudly.

Som, from Cambodia, stands tall as a leader in her community, but it has not always been this way.

A CBM partner supported Som to join a self-help group, where she learned small business skills and accessed small loans. She used (and has since repaid) these loans to set-up a successful chicken business, providing her with an income!

But Som is not content – she uses her voice to encourage other women with disabilities to participate and benefit from income generation activities like she has.

She has been delighted to see women, who previously were too afraid to leave their homes, growing in confidence as they attend monthly group meetings and learn how to earn a livelihood.

Som is determined that more women understand their potential, and she “wants to fight for all women with disabilities in her community”.

We admire Som for her strength and leadership – she is making an incredible impact in her community!

This project is funded by CBM supporters and also receives support through an Australian Aid program funded by the Australian Government.

Photo:  Som, from Cambodia.

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