Ebwaseh’s journey from isolation to healing

Stories | September 5, 2023

“My happiness knows no bounds” Ebwaseh’s journey from isolation to healing

Ebwaseh, a resilient woman from Nigeria, had been living with urinary incontinence caused by obstetric fistula for a gruelling nine years. Although she had known about the excellent and free surgical services available at the ECWA Evangel VVF hospital through a project supported by CBM, she could never afford the travel fare to reach the hospital, which is located ten hours away.

And so, for all those years, Ebwaseh endured the heavy weight of stigma, isolation, abuse and neglect from those closest to her. They did not understand that she could not control her incontinence. It was the result of an injury sustained during her prolonged labour, not a choice.

But there was a light at the end of the tunnel. With support from ECWA and CBM, Ebwaseh was finally able to access the surgery she so desperately wanted.

“My nine years of weeping came to an end when I was told that doctors were coming from ECWA to perform surgeries for women and girls with fistula… Because we did not have transport money to come down to [the town], ECWA hired a vehicle and paid our transport to and from the hospital, performed fistula surgical repair free of charge, paid all the hospital bills and I was discharged dry. I am not leaking urine any longer, my happiness knows no bounds.

I remain thankful to God almighty, ECWA and CBM for coming to my rescue. May this project continue to grow from strength to strength.”

– Ebwaseh

CBM acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and thanks our implementing partner the ECWA Evangel Vesico Vaginal Fistula Center, Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jos. 

Ebwaseh is all smiles following her successful surgery

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