Easing the psychological toll of lockdown

Stories | March 10, 2021

CBM recognises the psychological pressure of COVID-19 lockdown around the world. For people with mental illness, these challenges can be amplified. Our projects have adapted to address the needs of people with disabilities during COVID-19 lockdowns.

In our work in Uttar Pradesh, India, our project staff were instrumental in working with the local communities to identify people with intellectual disabilities who might be struggling with the ongoing lockdowns. CBM’s support helped assist mental health services and provided telehealth consultations with health experts for 30 people living with intellectual disabilities in the area.

These services remain critical during the extended lockdown periods where usual support networks such as family, friends, schools and community groups might be suspended for many people. In these times, CBM is glad to be able to provide some support.

CBM acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).


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