Drought tolerant seeds provide more food to Rachael and her family

Stories | January 31, 2022

Disability impacts people in different ways. Many people with disabilities, especially those in low-income countries, experience higher levels of stigma and discrimination, leading to lower levels of education and employment than people without disabilities. As a result, they are often less able to cope with economic and environmental shocks.

In Kenya, CBM have been supporting partners to strengthen economic development and resilience for people with disabilities and their families, through activities that increase food security and promote independent financial sustainability.

One person to benefit from such activities is Rachael who says joining a People with Disabilities Group (supported by the CBM project) was the best decision she ever made. Through this group, Rachael not only connected with other people with or caring for people with disabilities, but she was also given the opportunity to increase her access to food through farming. She was provided with drought tolerant seeds and training on how to best plant and manage the crops to increase production – an activity which came as a great relief to group members who had very little to plant due to ongoing drought in the area.

“We had harvested very little for two consecutive seasons due to lack of enough rain,” says Racheal. “When [the project] provided the planting seeds, we were over the moon.”

Group members have used the profits received from selling their crop to pay for things such as their children’s school fees. For Rachael however, she is at peace simply knowing that she will be able to feed her family.


CBM acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

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