Disability inclusion capacity building and support to Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands

Iag, Pacific, Stories | June 22, 2023

In our role as the disability inclusion technical partner of DFAT, our Inclusion Advisory Group has been in Honiara this week to provide disability inclusion capacity building and support to the Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands.

Working collaboratively with the Disability Movement is a key part of our advisory approach, so we spent time in advance of the official visit program to work closely with representatives of Organisations of People with Disabilities to prepare.

Panellists in Honiara prioritising and refining key messages that they will convey on the inclusion of people with disabilities.
Image: Panellists in Honiara prioritising and refining key messages that they will convey on the inclusion of people with disabilities.

The visit then kicked off on Monday with an All Staff Briefing on the foundations of disability inclusion in aid and diplomacy, at which the panellists shared their stories and perspectives directly to High Commission colleagues.

Clinic sessions with program teams to help identify tailored entry points for disability inclusion have been taking place throughout the week, including with teams working on infrastructure, private sector development, economic cooperation, health, education and gender. 

In today’s debrief on how the visit went, the Counsellor for Human Development of DFAT Honiara said: “The visit has helped to bring great attention and momentum to disability inclusion. This is an exciting time, as the Government of Solomon Islands is in the process of ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and Australia stands ready to support the Government to turn these rights real for all people with disabilities.”

Read more about the Inclusion Advisory Group’s disability inclusion technical partnership with the Australian Aid program

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