Combating the Stereotypes: COVID-19 Response in Nepal

Stories | August 20, 2020

Combating the stereotypes: COVID-19 response in Nepal

Sarita Lamichhane (pictured centre), Gender Equality and Social Inclusion expert of Support Activities of Poor Producers of Nepal (SAPPROS) Nepal

“Persons with disabilities are usually looked at as passive receivers of humanitarian aid during disasters. Being a visually impaired woman, I strive to change these attitudes on a daily basis.”

Sarita identifies a key challenge for many people living with disability and a stereotype that CBM works hard to dispel across all of our work in the disability sector. The current COVID-19 crisis has provided a new sense of visibility to the work of people living with disability do to actively engage combating the spread of the virus. Sarita is a gender equality and social inclusion expert for Support Activities of Poor Produces of Nepal (SAPPROS) where she contributes to empower women and workers with disability.

“Most recently, I have been engaged in the ‘Collective Action for Inclusive Response to COVID-19 in Nepal’ working closely with CBM and the consortium partners to ensure selection of target communities considering multiple risk factors and designing inclusive basic needs assistance component leaving no one behind. Hence I can proudly say and demonstrate through my work that persons with disabilities can be meaningful contributors as well.”

SAPRROS is one of three partners currently implementing the COVID 19 response supported by CBM Global in Nepal. They have the lead on providing the basic need assessment component of the response. With this partnership we can continue to ensure that at CBM we continue to empower and highlight the proactive work of people with disability in the COVID-19 response.

Find out more about our inclusive COVID-19 response.

Pledge to stand in solidarity with all our neighbours, and encourage our government to provide vital support to vulnerable nations by signing the End COVID For All pledge here.


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