Changing lives one Meaningful Gift at a time

Stories | November 2, 2023

How a charity gift changed the lives of people with disabilities living in poverty.

Giving a gift is a wonderful way to show someone how much you care about them. But what if your gift could also change the life of a person with disabilities living in one of the world’s poorest places?

CBM has Meaningful Gifts to help restore sight, supply mobility aids, provide livelihoods, give life’s essentials, and create a sustainable future. No gift is too small, every single one makes a real difference. Read about some of the lives that have been changed through CBM Meaningful Gifts.

John’s story from blindness to sight

   a boy smiling with a thumbs up 

John was a ‘star pupil’ at school — top of his class! He loved maths most of all and dreamed of becoming an engineer that builds houses. But his bright future was fading away because John was going needlessly blind from cataracts.

“I can’t read well when my eyesight is blurred and I can’t study well. If I can’t go to school, I’ll be sad,” John said.

But thanks to the kindness of CBM supporters, John received the sight-saving surgery he urgently needed. When his bandages were removed, he was so excited to open his eyes and discover that he could see clearly.

“I am excited! I can see small letters.” – John after regaining his sight

John can now see, thanks to kind hearts like yours. And you can do the same for another child just like him when you give a Meaningful Gift of Sight.

Evans achieved his dream of going to school

a man in a wheelchair

Throughout his childhood, Evans barely knew what was beyond his home. Every day he dreamed of going to school like the other children in his village. But because he was born with a spinal disability he couldn’t walk, and he had no way of getting to school.

A world of possibilities opened for Evans the day he received a wheelchair. With his newfound mobility, Evans could attend school.

“I was so excited. Students would follow me around and want to ride in my wheelchair. They thought I had it just for fun.” – Evans

You can give another person just like Evans the same freedom with a Meaningful Gift of Mobility.

Faith has been freed from the horror of fistula

a women smiling

Faith suffered a childbirth injury of the worst kind – fistula.

Ever since that horrifying day, Faith became trapped in a lifetime of suffering. The agonising discomfort of uncontrollable urine leaking. The dreadful and inescapable smell. The humiliation of being shunned by her community.

But everything changed for Faith when she received the healing gift of corrective surgery. She is now free to go back to school, learn new skills, and build a better life for herself.

“I am happy to be learning how to make cakes and snacks. These skills will help me to support myself and my son.” – Faith

You can give another person like Faith the same opportunity with a Meaningful Gift of Livelihoods.

Tsihala’s family received life-saving food

a man smiling

As farmers, Tsihala’s family depend heavily on the land to survive. But extreme drought killed their crops and the dry land became unusable. Tsihala and her family members walked long distances just to find clean water and food to survive.

Thanks to the compassion of CBM supporters, Tsihala’s family received a cash transfer to purchase the essential food and supplies their family specifically needed such as rice, meat and vegetables.

You can help families like Tsihala’s receive a cash transfer, giving them choices and dignity to help them survive with a Meaningful Gift of Life’s Essentials.

Alex has a secure new home

a man smiling

Alex’s life was turned upside down after he lost his hand in a horrific accident. He was no longer able to continue his job as a teacher and sports coach.

Not long after, a devastating typhoon hit Alex’s village and his home was destroyed. Without the ability to work, he couldn’t afford to build a new home.

But thanks to kind-hearted CBM supporters, Alex’s call for help was heard. He received the support he needed to buy construction materials and the training necessary to rebuild his house. And today, he is living in the safety of his new home.

You can help another family like Alex’s to build a secure future with a Meaningful Gift of Sustainability.

Find out more about CBM’s Meaningful Gifts or make a purchase and change a life today at


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