Award recognises our work with the deaf community

Stories | January 9, 2023

The CBM Global country team in Nigeria has been presented with a meritorious award by the Nigerian National Association of the Deaf (NNAD) for their continued support to the deaf community in Nigeria.

The President of NNAD acknowledged the unique value that CBM Global bring to the disability movement in Nigeria and expressed his excitement for a more inclusive future for people with disabilities. He also expressed his appreciation to CBM Global for ‘walking the talk’ and having people with disabilities in their teams, such as the Nigerian country team disability advisor.

Nine members of the CBM Global Nigerian country team with their NNAD award for their work supporting the deaf community in Nigeria.
Image: The CBM Global team in Nigeria proudly show-off their award given to them by the NNAD for their work supporting people with disabilities in Nigeria.

CBM Australia is supporting the CBM Global Nigerian country team to run a project that trains health workers and midwives in sign language so that deaf people can feel comfortable accessing sexual and reproductive health services. Not being able to hear should not be a barrier to accessing healthcare.

CBM Australia congratulates the CBM Global country team in Nigeria for this impressive award and for their ongoing work improving inclusion in Nigeria.

CBM acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and thanks our partner Sustainable Family Healthcare Foundation.

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