An Easter Prayer

Stories | April 9, 2020

Let us pray. Lord at this time of year we reflect on the challenges and trials you faced over Lent – in isolation for 40 days and nights in the desert. Today, we are faced with our own challenges and trials of isolation, fear, instability and uncertainty. Please help all of us come together in your light and love so we don’t have to face this difficult time alone.

Lord we ask you to look after our supporters many of whom are at increased risk and are fearful in this uncertain time. As we are forced to sacrifice so much of our social lives, extra-curricular activities and events we are reminded that for many of our supporters living sacrificially is the norm. We pray for all our supporters especially those isolated from family and friends, that they are filled with your peace and love. We thank you for their continued commitment at this time to empower some of the world’s poorest people living with disabilities by restoring their hope, independence and dignity.

We pray for our beneficiaries who are most likely to be disproportionally impacted by this pandemic. May they remain safe and receive the care and support they need at this challenging time. We pray also for our partners, country office staff and volunteers – let your love provide some comfort to all of them in such stressful times.

Finally Lord, we pray for our CBM Australia staff and volunteers. As we face uncertainty, fear and loneliness let us know that this is only temporary, that we are all together and here for each other and that so often through adversity comes opportunity, that the most difficult times often bring out the best in all of us.
Lord, we ask for your guidance, love and support as we face this together. May we take comfort in the essential messages of Easter – new life and hope.

Lord hear our prayer. Amen

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