Advising Government and Multilateral Programs on Disability Inclusion

Stories | August 26, 2021

A catalytic approach through disability advice

CBM Global’s Inclusion Advisory Group is an international network of advisors, representatives and associates, working together in decentralised, local teams. They offer localised advice and relationships backed by global evidence and learning, networks, and sector understanding. The advice draws on and complements CBM Global’s advocacy and programmatic work, giving us a well-rounded perspective.

One example of our catalytic approach is through advice we gave to a water program funded by the World Bank in Indonesia. The Indonesian government is rolling out of the Community Based Water Supply and Sanitation Program (known as PAMSIMAS) across rural Indonesia. CBM was brought in to advise them on how to make sure it was accessible to people with disabilities.

Following a small pilot in 59 villages, 6060 people with disabilities were identified and better supported by the program’s teams in addressing their water and sanitation needs. Following this, we provided further direction about how the disability inclusive approach could be integrated across the whole program.

Disability inclusion is now an integral part of the PAMSIMAS community water supply program, a program that continues to target 15,000 new villages.

CBM advisors have also provided initial support to the consideration of disability issues within World Bank funded programs that work with government on urban development and disaster planning. We have also provided direction and training to government legislators as they developed regulations around social protection and rehabilitation relating to people with disabilities.

See our full overview of our work in Indonesia.

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