Stevie Wills – 2020 Advent Series – Week 1
Stories | October 4, 2021
John 1:14
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth
Join us at CBM Australia, as we journey through advent. This year we’re exploring the theme of ‘Hope-filled visions’. We’re exploring what hope-filled vision does Jesus’ birth cast for the world? For people with disabilities?
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”
It blows my mind that Jesus came and dwelt among us. Jesus, who was fully God chose to come to earth and lived as a man. He wanted to be with people. He loved being with people. People who were so different to him. Jesus treasured relationships. His vision was to be amongst a wildly diverse community. A community of all nations, personalities and interests, who highly valued relationships with one another.
Jesus saw people for who they are. He loved to spend time with them. He wasn’t put off by disability, or social stigma. He wasn’t put off by leprosy or tax-collection or prostitution. He saw people. He saw them as created, dignified and lovable.
In this, Jesus casts a hope-filled vision that we can follow. That we enter into relationships with people who are different to us.
This Thursday is International Day of People with Disabilities. This year CBM Australia is exploring the theme of ‘A better World For All.’
To get to know me, people need to slow down and take the time. I talk slow and I walk slow. I’ve enjoyed rich friendships in my adult life. They see me. Sometimes they forget I have a disability. I’ve learnt that in these relationships, both people are blessed. Both lives are enriched.
A better world for all is one where people with disabilities are included and valued. Where community embraces and is enriched by all. This was Jesus’ vision of hope.
Stevie Wills is the Community Education Officer at CBM Australia. Stevie is a performance poet, public speaker, writer, and advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities. Stevie lives with cerebral palsy.
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