CBM Australia calls for Government to Leave No One Behind

Media-release, Stories | January 21, 2024

CBM Australia’s new report Leave No One Behind: Mobilising for Inclusion calls for sustained action and investment in disability inclusion in our international aid program.

The report lays out evidence and case studies that spell out the importance and benefits of ensuring people with disabilities are intentionally included in development efforts and align with the ambition of the Pacific Framework for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

In releasing the report today, CBM Australia CEO Jane Edge said it was our collective responsibility to listen to the voices of people with disabilities in the world’s poorest countries.

“When the world listens to the one in five people globally who live with disability in poverty, we hear their stories of stigma, violence, discrimination and exclusion ringing out globally,” she said.

“CBM is committed to promoting the voices of people with disabilities and calling out their exclusion from the decision-making processes that impact their lives.”

The Australian Government has led the way in disability inclusive development globally. However, so far, too little has been done to effectively realise the Leave No One Behind Principle set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) signed by a united group of world leaders.

Still 800 million people living with disabilities are marginalised. Nine out of 10 children living with disabilities in developing countries do not attend school. And more than 50 per cent have an unmet need for rehabilitation. The economic loss related to the exclusion of people with disabilities is up to seven per cent of GDP.

Including people living with disabilities, their families and communities, ensures effective outcomes for all. This powerful approach ensures individuals recognise that they can change their situation, are given the tools to do so and can organise and mobilise toward collective action.

“As a world leader in this approach, CBM knows Community Based Inclusive Development is the best guarantee that communities can break the cycle of disability and poverty,” Ms Edge said.

“This in turn ensures that essential health (including rehabilitation), education, labour and other community services are created, or gaps in existing services filled, to meet the needs of people with disabilities and their families.”

The Leave No One Behind report advocates specifically for the Australian Government to continue its leadership role in disability inclusive development and support Pacific stakeholders to develop and implement a multi-donor funding mechanism to support disability inclusion in the Pacific.

“We encourage continued and improved Government support,” Ms Edge said. “We encourage the international development sector to also continue to support inclusion and apply the ‘Leave No One Behind’ lens to implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by consulting with people with disabilities.

“When the world listens, we can change; CBM stands side-by-side with people with disabilities to be a catalyst for positive change.”

The entire report, including the recommendations, will be released today and will be available on our website at www.cbm.org.au/learning-and-resources

About CBM

CBM Australia is Australia’s largest international development organisation focussed on improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in the poorest countries. As a global leader in inclusive development, CBM partners with local organisations to build and promote an inclusive world in which all people with disabilities enjoy their human rights and achieve their full potential. It does this because it is a Christian organisation committed to ending the cycle of poverty and disability. It does this through field programs, inclusive development advisory, social justice advocacy and fundraising. CBM Australia is key member of the CBM global network.

CBM Australia is an ACFID member and part of the Campaign for Australian Aid.

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