JULY UPDATE: The Rohingya Crisis

Stories | December 29, 2021

The Inter Sector Coordination Group recently released an emergency preparedness and response report. For those who have followed the updates or perhaps even given to help the Rohingya people, below is a short summary on some of the key points from the report along with insight into what CBM support has been working to achieve to date.

As the situation for Rohingya people continues to worsen, through the generous support of Australians, CBM and its partner organisation are continuing a humanitarian response for a second phase of  six months through to October 2018.

What your support has achieved

The first phase of our response meant that more than 8,440 people were able to receive services – thank you for being part of this support!

The assistive device distribution is going ahead smoothly and so far 359 people have received items like glasses, hearing aids, toilet chairs, wheelchairs and/or crutches.

This means that together we are making sure those who are most vulnerable in these situations, those living in poverty with disability, are also receiving help.

Your action, our response

Thanks to you and our partners, we are working to provide:

  • General medical services, which include ante- and post-natal care
  • Rehabilitation services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and hearing and vision screenings
  • Counselling
  • Assistive devices.

We are so thankful that you’ve chosen to support families who have fled from crises.

But the situation continues to worsen

The monsoon season brings new challenges and threats to the Rohingya people.

According to the ISCG emergency and response report, 883 community facilities are estimated to be at risk of landslides, floods or both.

This is estimated to potentially affect 200,000 individuals.

The update also states that there have already been 51 reported incidents, including 25 cases of landslide, 25 windstorms and one case of fire.

To this end, CBM is continuing to assist in the process, with focus on how those who are most vulnerable are being included in the response. Please keep the Rohingya people in your thoughts and prayers during this season.

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