Bethany’s Legacy

Stories | July 22, 2020

Author: Lyn Wake

Travelling to Nepal in 2019, as an ambassador for CBM, was a heartfelt mission taken on behalf of our late daughter, Bethany. Generous and compassionate, Bethany dreamed of becoming a nurse and journeying to remote places to help the most marginalised and the ‘poorest of the poor’.

However, Bethany did not get to fulfil her dream in the usual way. She went to her Heavenly Home just short of her 16th birthday in 2011, after a year-long, faith-filled battle with brain cancer.

Upon her diagnosis, God gave us a promise that her life would matter. Her dreams would not die but be used in a greater way than we could envisage:

Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him!

Psalm 40:1-3 NIV

Spiritual eyes are being opened through Bethany’s legacy of faith, hope and love. And through the amazing work of CBM and its partners, physical eyes are also being opened! All this is only possible when ordinary people like you and me get behind the extraordinary day we mark on the calendar as Miracles Day!

As a family, we can relate to the struggles that come with loss of sight as this was Bethany’s first symptom. We truly thank God for the opportunity to fulfil her dreams through this dynamic partnership with CBM.

My trip to ‘the top of the world’ was certainly an eye-opening experience. Although I met many beautiful people and heard numerous stories of how restored sight led to hope-filled lives, the highlight was sitting with Sabrita in the hospital waiting room.

Through a translator, Sabrita and I chatted as mothers who struggle to cope when their precious children experience health challenges. In these raw moments of honest grief, my eyes were open to Sabrita’s needs and a bond was formed between us. It made me think of the bond we share with God when together we feel the pain of loss. Together is how we share the love he offers all his children.

Later, I watched in silence as Sabrita reunited with Yangsang after his successful cataract surgery. Tears stained my face as my heart ached for my girl. But like me, Bethany would have delighted in Yongsang’s stunning smile when his eye patches finally came off!

Please partner with Bethanys legacy today and support her God-given vision to see eyes opened and lives transformed! The small sacrifice you will make to be part of Miracles Day is a decision you will never regret!

There is a way you can come with us to Nepal and see first-hand the life-changing work of CBM and how God continues to used the Wake family’s redemption story to bless many.

Click here to view the 60 minute documentary: I SEE YOU: Together. Restoring. Hope.

Our loving God affirms every person as worthwhile and says:


Every person with sight restored can now say to loved ones:


Every person now woven into this beautiful story can also say: ‘I SEE YOU!’

Miracles Day gives Australians the opportunity to give someone the Miracle gift of sight, with a 12-minute operation costing just $33.

CBM’s Miracles Day happens across Australia on August 6. To find out more or to donate, visit

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