Because of your kindness… 5-year-old Shalom can now see.

She’s no longer teased. 
No longer left behind. 
A whole new world of opportunities has opened up before her, and it’s all 

“You have given my daughter what I could never give her without your help. I have no words to thank you enough. I pray that God blesses you. I will always remember your goodness.” 
– Fridah, Shalom’s mother

Look at all the amazing things you made possible for this young girl… 

  • A sight restoring surgery
  • Bifocal glasses to help her focus
  • And now Shalom can go to school once again… 

All of this is because of you

Your extraordinary support meant that Shalom could receive sight-saving surgery to remove her cataracts. 
Once her eye patches were removed, Shalom was able to see her mum’s face for the first time in years. She couldn’t stop smiling or giggling with delight. 
Your kindness meant that our CBM partner ophthalmologist, Dr Lisbon could assess Shalom’s sight, and fit her for glasses. 
This is Shalom’s first day back at school, after she missed two whole terms because of sight loss. Look how happy she is with the new glasses you gave her! 
For the first time, Shalom is able to write clearly on the very chalkboard she couldn’t see before. 
Bursting with confidence, Shalom is now participating in class like never before! 

“I was Shalom’s teacher when she could not see. She was very shy and kept to herself. Now she can write on the chalkboard in front of the class. She plays with others. She can see. Thank you for what you did for her!”

Teacher Mercy, Shalom’s classroom teacher