Turkana Food Crisis Appeal: Your urgent gift will help save precious lives
As you read this, tens of thousands of innocent people in Turkana, are facing a devastating food crisis. The situation is critical, many of those impacted have been identified as having a disability, making it significantly harder for them to access life-saving food, water and medicine.
They are the most vulnerable. The most at risk. We MUST help them before it’s too late.
Your gift today will help people with disabilities access life-saving food, clean water, medical supplies and mobility aids like crutches and wheelchairs.
The crisis in Turkana is critical
Turkana, located in the northern region of Kenya, had experienced years of prolonged drought, and when the rains finally came it caused devastating floods. The worst possible scenario.
The floods have destroyed homes and farmlands, killing livestock. It has spread disease and damaged water sources.
People are starving. And those with disabilities are often forgotten and pushed aside during a crisis like this. Making it significantly harder for them to seek and access food, water and life-saving medicine.
Your URGENT gift can help people with disabilities survive this devastating food crisis. Please send your urgent help NOW!

People with disabilities need our URGENT help
Young Dahabo is just 19.
Her family have lost everything. Their livestock are all gone. Their crops have failed. Again and again.
They have nothing. Only hope…
“Those who are suffering are going to bed hungry. We are just living on hope”.
Hope can feed the soul, but not a malnourished child.
Hope will not bring life-saving food, water and medicine into the homes of people with disabilities. It will not provide them with mobility aids to help them join queues for food.
But hope is all people like Dahabo have left.
Your gift today can save lives!

Your gift will go to where it’s needed most
Our teams on the ground have already identified countless families who are at especially high risk. These people need our urgent help now!
Your gift will help people with disabilities get access to life-saving food, clean water, medical supplies and mobility aids.
The situation has become desperate, and lives are at stake. If you can help even just one person survive this crisis today, we will be so grateful.
Please make an urgent gift NOW, to help people survive this devastating food crisis.