Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibility Women and girls miss out on so much | CBM Australia

Immaculate faces a triple disadvantage that could trap her in poverty and isolation for the rest of her life.

Unless you give her a chance.

14-year-old Immaculate was one of the top students at her school. Until the blackboard in her classroom became too blurry to see.

Her entire world came crashing down when she was sent home from school and told she could no longer go back…

“I cried when they told me not to come back. That’s it. I’m blind. This is the end of my life. I’m very scared. It’s getting worse every day. I’m going blind and this is going to be the end of me.”

Immaculate faces a triple disadvantage. Being a girl. With a disability. Born into poverty.

But you can turn things around for Immaculate and help her escape this triple disadvantage. Please will you give her a chance to reach her full potential?

Women and girls miss out on so much


… in communities like Immaculate’s, girls are only half as likely as boys to get access to healthcare. That’s why she needs your help.


… if Immaculate can’t go back to school, what chance does she have of passing exams, gaining skills, and getting a job when she is older?


… if Immaculate can’t find work, what will her future hold? How will she provide for herself or her family?

This triple disadvantage doesn’t just hurt Immaculate

It hurts her family too, because she will forever be dependent on them.

And it hurts her entire community, because she may be excluded from contributing her many talents to the greater good too.

Immaculate’s low vision is caused by a rare condition called keratoconus. The only way to fix it is through special contact lenses which are far too expensive for Immaculate’s family to afford.

They are farmers who do the best they can to grow food and earn some income, but they are struggling to survive.

Without help, Immaculate will go blind, fall behind, and remain trapped in a life of deepening poverty, exclusion and emotional pain.

So many more women and girls are in similar situations.

Joanina is a young woman with an undiagnosed physical disability. She has never been able to walk, and instead uses her arms to drag herself around. Her community shunned her.

“There was no acceptance from the community.” – Polina, Joanina’s mother

Hellen lost her right arm in a horrific road accident. She experienced years of depression as a result.

“Some adults are angry they have a disability. People discriminate against them and they become bitter.” – Hellen

Immaculate, Joanina, Hellen — each of them face a triple disadvantage every day. They are females with disabilities living in poverty.

But you can help end this injustice.

  • Help a woman living in poverty, like Joanina, get access to proper healthcare.
  • Help a girl like Immaculate go back to school so she can finish her education and lift herself out of poverty.
  • Help a woman with a disability, like Hellen, have a new livelihood through access to training and loans so she can start her own business.

Turn the triple disadvantage women and girls face into a triple benefit!

  • BENEFIT 1: you help the individual. Imagine what Immaculate could achieve if she gets the help she needs to restore her sight and go back to school.
  • BENEFIT 2: you help the family. Just think how much relief you could bring to the daily life of Joanina and her family if she didn’t have to depend so heavily on those around her.
  • BENEFIT 3: you help the community. Picture the possibilities if a woman like Hellen could rise up, become a leader, and contribute to her community by doing something incredible like starting her own business.

Please help turn the triple disadvantage of gender, disability and poverty into a triple benefit for themselves, their families and their communities.

For women and girls like Immaculate, Joanina, and Hellen… You can give her a chance to flourish as an individual, within her family, and help lift up her entire community.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10