You can help the people who are first to be left behind in a crisis.
There is simply not enough food to keep every family alive in Madagascar. And the already scarce supplies are dwindling further every day. Families are trying to survive on cactus fruits and cassava leaves alone.
BACK-TO-BACK DROUGHTS have desiccated the country year after year since November 2020.
THREE CYCLONES of category 4 or higher have battered the same extremely disadvantaged regions of the country with torrential rain, flooding and winds of 190km/h to 210km/h – all since February 2022.
This has led to an unprecedented food crisis in what is already one of the poorest nations on earth. Right now:
• More than 1 million people are affected by this catastrophic humanitarian crisis.
• 92,000 children with Severe Acute Malnutrition.
• 600,000 children have little or little access to safe water.
How much longer can people survive without your help?
“Our only hope lies in the hands of the Lord!”
– Mara, Maharavo’s mother
Maharavo was born with a physical and intellectual disability. He needs constant care. One of his parents must be with him at all times.
This makes it virtually impossible for the family to work, earn money and queue for humanitarian support.
The most vulnerable people – those trapped in the cruel cycle of disability and poverty – are always found at the back of every queue. They are pushed aside, left behind, forgotten.
Maharavo’s parents spend every waking hour either working in other people’s fields or searching for water and food – cactus fruits and cassava leaves – to make a meagre meal once a day.
But it’s never enough. Maharavo is wasting away.

Your generous gift will help provide children with disabilities like Maharavo and other vulnerable people in Madagascar with:
- Food supplies so they are not at risk of starvation, but instead receive essential nutrition.
- Safe water so they do not dehydrate or fall prey to waterborne diseases like dysentery and cholera.
- Mobility aids like crutches, walkers and wheelchairs, so they can reach crisis distribution points.
People with disabilities are the first to be left behind in a crisis... Who will help them?
CBM has identified households, including those with children and adults with disabilities who need IMMEDIATE help now.
Our teams are on the ground in the most drought-stricken regions of Madagascar, ready and able to get people access to crisis supports immediately.
Families just like Zoenaomby’s.
He is a farmer and father of three children. It’s already difficult for Zoenaomby to walk and carry out his farming work, and now he says…
“I try to plant but without water, there is nothing to harvest and therefore nothing to eat.”
And families like Volasoa’s.
She depends on people to push her in her tricycle to get around. She sews to feed her children, but what she earns is not enough to meet their needs. Volasoa and her children eat once, maybe twice, a day. Sometimes there is nothing to eat all day.
Volasoa says…
“I would like to go to the market like the others, to go where I want, when I want. But I am condemned to stay at home and wait for people to push me.”
Please make an URGENT donation NOW to help provide rapid access to food and water supplies for families – plus mobility aids to help people with disabilities reach distribution points before it’s too late.
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have,
for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16